Tauranga City Long Term Plan 2024 -2034 submission process 

This LTP document sets out the future areas where your ratepayer money will be spent. There is a lot of focus on big spend items – building the new city civic area and a stadium in the Tauranga Domain. These will increase your overall rates bill regardless of how the Commissioners phrase the debt.  See the IFFA proposal which will add levies to your rates bill but they are not called rates.

Everyone has the opportunity to make one submission to the Long Term Plan and should do this, it is your future city that is being discussed.  The submission period is 15 November to 15 December 2024.  There are three methods to make a submission.. 

  1. Use the TCC Online Submission Process — the topics on this survey are just part of the whole picture and you can totally disagree with any of the suggestions in the form.  


2. Make a written submission on any topic

Send to Tauranga City Council Private Bag 12022 Tauranga 3143 or email to TCC.

3. Select also to speak in person to the Commissioners about your written submission.

 12 -14 Feb 2024

The needs of residents of Papamoa are somewhat ignored in the Long Term Plan.

Eg   Tsunami Evacuation Pathways

The new Tsunami Zone maps show that most of Papamoa will be covered by water during and after a Tsunami wave. Evacuation of all of Papamoa is now important and this can only be done on foot or cycle and the best place to head to is the Papamoa Hills.  This cannot easily be done at present.  Papamoa Residents Association has been asking for tsunami paths (which will also be used as cycleways) to be built to make this easier.  The response has been very negative from the council and commissioners. If you feel strongly about this please include in your online submission. See  www.easterncorridoralliance.com

Pedestrian access across the motorway at the new Sands/PEI interchange

Upgrade of Papamoa Beach Rd.

Community Faciities