Pitau Rd Mount Manganui Hi Rise Plan Change 33 Commissioners Tauranga

 Here is a slightly different interpretation.  You can see all the steps in the process that evolved.

Join the dots and could this be the connection.


A developer buys from the council a block of elder houses for above the market rate and submits a hi rise development for resource consent which is within the guidelines.  

Later a variation is sought to increase the height of the development which is contrary to the regulations.  The residents push back and an independent hearing ratifies the residents’ concerns and recommends no increased height.  

The Commissioners look after the interests of all developers and on their last days announce the adoption of Plan 33 and the developer can now have his excess height of the building.  

The developer is happy and he will claim he has reduced the height to make the residents happy but this is all a ruse as he grossed up the plans in the first variation.  

The Commissioners are happy because they have left another mark on Tauranga and have a little more money for their vanity downtown projects.  Council officers willingly approve the development.

This is how it is done in Tauranga.