Attention Anne Tolley
Commissioner Tauranga City Council
Dear Anne,
RE: Alternative Bus Route to Links Ave
PRRA submitted a petition this morning to end the Trial Closure of Links Ave on safety grounds.
During the campaign to retain the Bayfair Pedestrian Underpass, BUA were privy to some of the thinking behind the B2B scheme and also received much information under the Official Information Act. This included a lot of the work on the bus route options in the area, undertaken by consultants.
There are options which take the buses out of Farm Rd and Links Ave. However. TCC will need to acknowledge that there should not be a city wide bus service operating along a local street (no city does this) and look at the alternative options ie currently local buses are running along the wrong corridor. – Links Ave.
Links Ave needs to be about safety for school children as a first priority then amenity for residents secondly.
I understand any change of bus routes this would also need buy in from WBOPRC and NZTA. I imagine your staff will know all the alternatives.
To move this forward, I would like to meet with you and look at a solution at a high level only.
Kind regards,
Philip Brown